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Other Engineering Services

The Engineering Division has vast experience in Design and Detailing of various steel structures especially for bulk handling products/systems for use in cement, mineral processing, mining & power industries. It has executed many structural steel detailing projects ranging from few hundred to few thousand tons to international standards.

ISO 9000 certification process initiated and expect certification during first half of 2008. Our core areas of expertise is in Petrochemical, oil and natural gas & power. All of them are well trained and experienced in Intergraph's PDS software.

A technical team of :

  • Qualified, experienced and trained manpower and uses STAAD Pro from Research Engineers for the Structural Steel Analysis and Design.

  • Experience ranging from 1-30 years

  • Capable of handling both product and structural detailing with 60-70% of the work being done on bulk handling projects.

  • Experienced in structural steel design and/or detailing as per IS, DIN, AISC, BS and AS Codes.

We pride our self on rigorous standards for quality control. Our experienced staff of engineers and consultants continually review and update our procedures to maintain a strong emphasis on this most important aspect of our work. Our quality procedures have been recognized by National Institute of Steel Detailing, USA.



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