Environmental Control

Condition Assessment We do condition assessment of all APC equipment outlining improvement area, corrective measures and recommend proper input conditions for optimum performance of the equipment. Mostly after Condition Assessment, the life of APC Equipment gets enhanced for customers on implementation of our expert recommendations.
Overhauling We undertake all types of APC equipment overhauling with recommendations of spares requirement.
Remaining Life Assessment (RLA) of Filter Bags We undertake RLA of existing Filter bags in Bag Filter, for parameters like Tensile Strength, Mullen Burst, Air Permeability, Stitch Quality and overall remaining life, with our recommendations.
Annual Service Contracts (ASC) of APC Equipment We provide Annual Service Contracts for all types of APC Equipment.
- Comprehensive (with Spares)
- Non Comprehensive
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis The CFD Analysis is a Vital Tool for understanding existing flow pattern within the duct and through the APC Equipment. By CFD, flow abnormality/ disorder, within the duct and through the APC Equipment, can be identified with corrective actions required .
Gas Distribution (GD) Test GD Test is a very important test for ensuring proper spread of gas flow across ESP cross section. We undertake GD Test for any make of ESPs. GD Test and subsequent corrective actions for flow pattern distribution will actually restore the already lost efficiency of ESP due to flow distortions due to prolonged use. It is a very good tool which actually improves any existing ESP's performance by taking corrective actions based on the result of GD Test.
Site Validation of APC Equipment We validate APC equipment performance through this test by simultaneous measurement at equipment's inlet and outlet, for the parameters like gas flow, gas temperature. inlet dust load, outlet emission, dust chemical analysis, dust particle size analysis, actual pressure drop in APC equipment, actual Electrical parameters vis-a-vis design data, etc.
- Stack
- Sampling
- Fuel Analysis
- Dust Chemical Analysis
- Dust Particle Size Analysis
- Dust Resistivity Analysis
Remote Operations of APC Equipment - REMOCS Any Air Pollution Control Equipment can be remotely controlled through a web & cloud based server. For any earmarked ESP or Bag Filter, first we need to map the architecture of instrumentations and the REMOCS dashboard screen will be custom built based on the architecture.
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of APC Equipment We are now geared up for undertaking APC Equipment O&M jobs in order to ensure highest reliability & availability of all APC equipment in the plant. Necessary preventive maintenance is the regular affair within the O&M package and also we have an on calls team for attending any emergency breakdown problem in one or more APC equipment in the plant.